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Installation of reverse osmosis system membrane elements

            HYWATER        Reverse Osmosis plant/system

Installation of reverse osmosis system membrane elements

Preparation before installation

1) When passing the pretreated water to the reverse osmosis system, it is necessary to ensure that there are no impurities such as dust, grease, and metal residues in the pipeline system and pressure vessel, so as to prevent the membrane element from being polluted by foreign pollutants. Using a rotating brush and flushing the pressure vessel with pretreated water is the most effective method.

2) Check the quality of the influent water, and flush the reverse osmosis system with qualified pretreated water for about 30 minutes.

3) Remove the end cover of the pressure vessel, inspect the interior of the pressure vessel, and determine whether mechanical cleaning is required.

4) Install the permeate adapter with the O-ring into the permeate port on the concentrate end side. Glycerin or dioleate can be used for lubrication.

5) Install the end cap on the concentrated water side according to the instruction manual of the pressure vessel.

6) Prepare necessary parts: concentrated water sealing ring, O-ring, open water production adapter, closed production water adapter, water production connection pipe, water production pipe cover, etc.


Installation of reverse osmosis system membrane elements

1) Take out the membrane element from the plastic package in the carton

Note: When opening the plastic bag, it is best to cut an opening at one end, and save some complete plastic bags after taking out the membrane element, in case the membrane element needs to be bagged and stored.


2) Install the "O" ring on the membrane element adapter, apply some glycerin when installing, and install carefully to prevent the "O" ring from being scratched. At the same time, glycerin is also coated on the inside or outside of the membrane element water production pipe.

Note: Do not use cationic detergents, edible oils, etc. as lubricants, otherwise it may cause irreversible damage to the reverse osmosis membrane element.


3) Coat the concentrated water seal with glycerin, and carefully install it in the annular groove on the water inlet side of the membrane element.

Note: The concentrated water sealing ring must be properly installed, otherwise, the actual recovery rate of the membrane element may be higher than the design value.


4) Push the membrane element into the pressure vessel gently in the direction indicated by the arrow on the surface of the membrane element. After two-thirds of the membrane element enters the pressure vessel, insert the adapter on the water production pipe of the water inlet side of the membrane element.


5) Connect the other membrane element to the exposed water-producing distributor, and push it into the pressure vessel gently after the connection is tight. After two-thirds of the second membrane element enters the pressure vessel, repeat the above operation and load it into the pressure vessel. The next membrane element.


6) After the installation of the last membrane element in the same pressure vessel is completed, insert a closed water production adapter or a water production pipe plug on the water inlet end of the membrane element.


7) After installing the water inlet adapter, install the end plate of the pressure vessel. Check that the distance between the permeate pipe plug and the end plate is less than 5mm.

Note: If the distance between the plug and the end plate of the water production pipe is greater than 5mm, the excessive movement of the reverse osmosis membrane element may cause the O-ring or the concentrated water sealing ring to be dislocated or damaged when the system is started and stopped, resulting in production failure. The water quality is degraded, so a gasket needs to be installed between the two.


Installation precautions

1) The membrane is stored in a sodium bisulfite solution with a concentration of 0.05% to 0.1%. Pay attention to the protection of skin and eyes during installation.

2) Save a part of the packaging material so that the membrane element needs to be removed or preserved temporarily.

3) Number each pressure vessel and record the position of each membrane element according to the correct order of elements in the pressure vessel, the record is to be updated according to the installation of new elements and the change of element position.

4) In order to avoid damage to the element, be sure to handle it with care during installation, pay attention to keep the outside of the membrane element clean, and only touch the element with clean hands or gloves.


Inspection after filling the membrane element

1) Confirmation of water supply

Carefully check whether the pipe fittings are connected correctly and whether the screws are tightened, and then carry out the water-passing experiment, and let the water pressure rise slowly when the water is flowing.

2) Adjusting the operating conditions

While paying close attention to the water supply and permeate water, adjust the established permeate volume and recovery rate. If there is no loss or other problems, let the system continue to run in this state for an hour.

3) Check the quality of the produced water

Sample the permeate water quality of each membrane module to check the permeate water quality (conductivity). If there are membrane modules with abnormal water quality, please confirm the O-ring, concentrated water sealing ring, etc. again, and replace the defective parts.

4) Initial operation record

The initial operation record of the system is very important, it is the basis for future system failure analysis and judgment.


More inquiries related to reverse osmosis system please contact:

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Email: sales010@water-sy.com


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