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Reverse osmosis system consumables replacement process

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Reverse osmosis system consumables replacement process


First step: Preparation

1. Prepare all the tools that may be used in the construction process, ncluding: rubber boots, rubber gloves, protective glasses, wrenches (removing membrane shell end caps), pipe wrenches, glycerin, etc.

2. Clean up the upstream water inlet pipeline;

3. Carefully evaluate the quality of feed water;

4. Check whether there is leakage in the pipeline;

5. Prepare water-soluble lubricant (chemically pure glycerin);

6. Ensure that the parts and chemicals used are complete;

7. Check the operation of the pretreatment system and the proper condition of product water


Second step: Disassemble the old membrane and the install new one

1. Disassemble the pressure vessel of membrane, unify all end caps and parts, and store them in order.

2. Take out the old reverse osmosis membrane element from the pressure vessel, and rinse the pressure vessel to make it clean.

3. Take out the new membrane element and check whether the position and direction of the brine seal ring on the element are correct (the opening direction of the brine seal ring must face the water inlet direction)

4. Push the end of the membrane element without the salt water seal ring into the membrane shell from the water inlet end of the pressure vessel in parallel until the element is exposed about 10 cm outside the water inlet end of the pressure vessel.

5. Insert the connecting pipe between the components into the central pipe. Before installation, apply a small amount of glycerin lubricant on the "O" ring of the joint. If not, you can also directly wet it with qualified pretreatment water.

6. Take out the second membrane element, check whether the position and direction of the salt water seal ring on the element are correct, hold the element and insert the connecting tube on the first element into the center tube of the element, and push the element into the pressure vessel in parallel until The second component is exposed about 10 cm outside

7. Repeat the steps until all the components are loaded into the pressure vessel and transferred to the concentrated water end. Install the connecting pipe on the center pipe of the first component. The length of the components and the pressure vessel determines the number of membrane elements that can be installed in a single pressure vessel. , When installing, install a thrust ring on the concentrated water end of the pressure vessel.

8. Check the "O" ring on the component adapter, insert the component adapter into the concentrated water end plate, align the component connecting pipe and push the concentrated water end plate assembly into the pressure vessel in parallel; rotate and adjust the concentrated water end plate assembly, Align it with the external connecting pipe; install the end plate snap ring

9. Push the membrane element from the water inlet side to the concentrated water side until the first installed membrane element is firmly in contact with the concentrated water end plate.

10. Install the water inlet end plate. Before installing the water inlet end plate, in order to prevent the axial movement of the components and the impact between the components when the system is turned on and off, the gap between the membrane element and the end plate can be adjusted with an adjustment piece (thickness 5mm).

11. Repeat the above steps to install membrane elements in each pressure vessel and connect all external feed water, concentrated water and product water pipelines.


Third step: Reverse osmosis system Commissioning

1. Inspection and preparation before commissioning, including the following parts:

A. Equip measuring instruments and calibrate each instrument;

B. Set the sampling points of each link of the system, and correctly set the interlock, delay and alarm devices;

C. Check the connection between the pressure vessel and the cleaning pipeline, and tighten all the joints;

D. No-load test run of the water pump and other rotating equipment to ensure correct steering and good lubrication;

E. Open the product water and the concentrated water discharge valve;

F. Before starting the high-pressure pump, adjust the opening of the outlet valve of the high-pressure pump to control the inlet water flow of the membrane system to be less than 50% of the operating water inlet.

2. Check all valves and ensure that all settings are correct. The membrane system product water discharge valve, inlet water control valve and concentrated water control valve must be fully opened.

3. Use low-pressure, low-flow qualified pretreatment product water to drive away the air in the membrane element and pressure vessel. All product water and concentrated water in the process should be discharged to the sewer.

4. During the flushing operation, check all valves and pipe connections for leaks.

5. The dry film system should be rinsed continuously at low pressure for more than 6 hours or rinsed for 1 to 2 hours first, and then rinsed for about 1 hour after soaking overnight. During the low-pressure and low-flow flushing period, it is not allowed to add scale inhibitors in the pretreatment part.

6. Reconfirm that the product water valve and the concentrated water valve are in the open position.

7. When the high-pressure pump is started for the first time, the inlet control valve between the high-pressure pump and the membrane element must be close to fully closed to prevent the impact of water flow and water pressure on the membrane element.

8. Start the high-pressure pump.

9. To avoid the impact of over-flow and over-pressure on the membrane system, slowly open the inlet control valve at the outlet of the high-pressure pump after the high-pressure pump is started to uniformly increase the flow of concentrated water to the design value, and the pressure increase rate should be less than 0.07 MPa per second.

10. While slowly opening the high-pressure pump outlet inlet water control valve, slowly close the concentrated water control valve to maintain the concentrated water discharge flow rate specified by the system design, while observing the system water flow rate, and gradually adjust the recovery rate to reach the design value .

11. Check whether the dosage of all chemical agents is consistent with the design value, and determine the pH value of the influent water.

12. The reverse osmosis system runs continuously for 1 hour. When the product water is qualified, first open the qualified product water delivery valve and then close the product water discharge valve to supply water to the subsequent equipment. Record all operating parameters of the first group. The above adjustments are generally carried out in manual operation mode, and the system will be converted to automatic operation mode after stabilization.

13. After 24 to 48 hours of continuous operation, check all recorded system performance data, including inlet water pressure, pressure difference, temperature, flow rate, recovery rate and conductivity. At the same time, sampling and analysis of influent water, concentrated water and total system water production, confirm that the reverse osmosis system is operating normally and the construction is complete.


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