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Mobile containerized drinking water treatment system

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Mobile containerized drinking water treatment system

1.Mobile containerized drinking water treatment system introduction

An emergency drinking water treatment equipment is a mobile containerrized drinking water treatment system. The technical solution it adopts is: a container-type drinking water treatment system, which includes a container and a Electric box for drinking water treatment system

The containerized drinking water treatment system can be designed according to the quality of the raw water. The raw water can be: sea water, river water,lake water, tap water, underground water, etc.

The system adopts reverse osmosis technology. Starting from the raw water intake system, it first through coarsely filters to reduce the turbidity of raw water, Then use a high-pressure  pump to provide pressure for the RO membrane inlet water,After the raw water enters the reverse osmosis membrane for treatment, the salt content is greatly reduced, and the produced water enters desalination water tank, the water quality of the effluent usually meets the requirements of domestic water (Drinking Water Hygienic Standard (GB5749-2022).

2.Mobile Drinking water treatment system main advantages

The containerized drinking water treatment systems includes not only the supply of containers, but also the complete installation of the plant: pumps, filters, skids, connecting pipes between tanks, connecting pumps and instruments inside the container to the main control electrical box.

mobile containered river water desalination system.jpeg.png 

Containerized installations have many advantages:


The current reverse osmosis desalination technology is mature and advanced, with high purification rate


It is more energy-saving, the energy consumption is relatively low, and the cost of water production is reduced.


The pipes and fittings of the rack are made of stainless steel and corrosion-resistant materials, which can prolong the service life of the system and reduce maintenance costs.


The operation and maintenance are relatively simple and convenient. When there is electricity and raw water, the system can be started and fresh water will be supplied immediately.


The containerized drinking water treatment system can also run continuously for 24 hours.


The containerized drinking water treatment system uses automatic control technology, which can realize automatic management and reduce personnel and management costs.

3.Company case---Capacity 10 TPH containerized river water treatment system

This is an inquiry sent by the owner of a mining company. Because the mining site is very remote, the miners do not have clean drinking water and daily water for their daily life. They rely on renting a car to transport clean water from other places to the mining site, so the owner decided to buy a set of 10TPH mobile containerized drinking water treatment system, the source water is selected from the river near the mining site, they can use the river water purification to obtain clean daily water and drinking water, this set system can successfully solve the water problem of these mining workers.

The containerized drinking water treatment system proposal we designed for them is as follows:

 COntainerized river water treatment system process.png

Feed water tank →Feed water pump → Sand filter → Active carbon filter→ Antiscalant dosing→Security filter→High-pressure pump→RO system→Product water tank


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