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Ion exchange system|ion exchange water purifier

Ion exchange system|ion exchange water purifier

The ion exchange process percolates water through bead-like spherical resin materials (ion-exchange resins). Ions in the water are exchanged for other ions fixed to the beads. The two most common ion-exchange methods are softening and deionization.

Softening is used primarily as a pretreatment method to reduce water hardness prior to reverse osmosis (RO) processing. The softeners contain beads that exchange two sodium ions for every calcium or magnesium ion removed from the "softened" water.

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Ion Exchange Systems for Water Treatment

We have an offer of an effective range of Ion Exchange Systems for Water Treatment which is used to remove almost all the dissolved solids from the water. These plants consist of acidic cation exchanger resin where filtered water is passed. The cations are retained by the resin and equal number of hydrogen ions are given to the water. Later the water from cation ion is passed through anion exchanger.

Product Description

We have an offer of an effective range of Ion Exchange Systems for Water Treatment which is used to remove almost all the dissolved solids from the water. These plants consist of acidic cation exchanger resin where filtered water is passed. The cations are retained by the resin and equal number of hydrogen ions are given to the water. Later the water from cation ion is passed through anion exchanger.


Latest design

Robust construction

Non abrasive

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Ion exchange water purifier

Haiyuan has worked in industrial water recycling and continues to offer innovative ion exchange designs for water purification, waste water treatment, and water recycling for regulatory compliance at the lowest possible cost. Haiyuan technology now allows to offer skid-mounting, turnkey water recycling packages to industrial customers for water reuse without surprises or cost overruns.

The Haiyuan ion exchange process removes dissolved ions from solution using synthetic resins to attract cations or anions, then releases (exchanges) counter-ions until the resin is exhausted. As the solution flows through a resin bed, ion exchange occurs. The process continues by regenerating or replacing ions on the resin. Regeneration of the resin uses on-site packed bed, counter-current technology, which minimizes chemical use and waste volume compared to competitive systems. The patented Haiyuan valve offers counter-current regeneration which uses 50% less chemicals and 50% less water than conventional deionization systems.

Product detail of ion exchange system

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According to customers' water source analysis report and the final water standard required ,we will suggest customer to choose the suitable ion exchange system.

The Haiyuan ion exchange process is suitable for many industrial applications:

·Quality improvement of incoming municipal water.

·Purification and recycling of contaminated rinse water.

·Contamination elimination prior to waste water discharge.

·Regulatory compliance.

·Life extension of process solutions.

More about the Ion exchange system|ion exchange water purifier 

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