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How To Choose The Best Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water System

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How To Choose The Best Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water System

Our Reverse Osmosis systems are custom designed specifically for your water treatment requirements by an experienced team of application, mechanical and chemical engineers. We also provide maintenance agreements to ensure that your entire water treatment system is operating at peak performance.

I am on a well system. I was noticing some visible issues like cloudy water and caking around my shower head, but I also FELT that my water quality was poor when I showered. So I tested my water. The results weren’t looking good the first time, so I dug a new well before testing my water again. Let me tell you I learned A LOT about the process of improving water quality, especially Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems.

I remember one day that I picked up my cup of coffee and it looked like the cloudiest water I’ve ever seen. My mind was thinking, ok you are a contractor, you can drink this. But that wasn’t right. I needed to understand what was in my water and have a water treatment system installed which is what I did.

Reverse Osmosis is a type of multi-stage water filtration method. It can reduce up to 99% of the contaminants in water. Reverse osmosis, or RO, is a water treatment process that forces water through a semi-permeable membrane to remove contaminants and other unwanted substances.

The RO process is very effective for contaminant removal and produces nearly pure water. So let’s break this down further.

The holes in a RO membrane are just large enough for a water molecule, meaning even small particles will not pass through. I love it because it means you get to drink contaminant-free water, great-tasting water for cooking and drinking.  

Most RO systems have multiple stages:

· A pre-filter

· The RO membrane 

· Post filter.

Each stage has a specific purpose to provide you with the best water quality possible. Here are the components of an RO system:

We had Hongkong client need capacity is 500LPH , and TDS is 500ppm , so we are Process Flow Diagram

Source water tank(user prepare)Booster pump→Quartz sand filter →Activated carbon filter→Softening filter→Precision filter→High pressure pump→RO Skid→EDI booster pump →EDI system →Product tank(user prepare)



The pre-filter is the first filtration stage, and it removes dirt and sediment from the water. If needed, you can use a pre-filter that removes chlorine from the water.The pre-filter is really a barrier to protect the RO membrane from some contaminants, helping it last longer.

RO Membrane

After the prefiltration process, the water travels to the reverse osmosis membrane where the actual water filtration takes place. At this stage, water is forced through the semipermeable membrane (the juicer from earlier). This is where most minerals, contaminants, or particles in the water are filtered and flushed down the drain.

The water purifier purifies the water body through pure physical filtration, without affecting the safety of water quality, and does not affect physical health after direct drinking. Overall, soft water removes water and alkali, and purified water removes bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals. The advantages and disadvantages complement each other. Therefore, water industry experts believe that the "soft water+pure water machine" approach is the best equipment combination for water household decoration.


More Reverse Osmosi

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