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Application of Reverse osmosis plant in Wine production

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Application of Reverse osmosis plant in Wine production


Winemaking technology continues to innovate, and the level of wine consumption has risen sharply. Wine quality has become the most basic element that affects the growth of market sales. There are many ways to improve wine quality, while water is the most basic and critical element.


As the saying goes, every region of the world has its own local wine taste, the influence of water on wine will be as follows:

1) Turbidity: The wine itself is a colloidal solution; if there is no other substance, the wine itself has excellent stability, without any suspended matter, impurity precipitation, which is clear and transparent; when the alcohols and acid radicals in the wine meet the metal ions in the water, the colloid will dissolve and appear turbid; so the turbidity is mainly due to the metal ions, mineral ions, etc. in the water.


2) Salty taste: Mainly because of the high hardness in the water and the sodium ions in the water, if the wine be brewed without treatment, the wine will taste salty.


3) Iron smell: Also known as iron rust smell, mainly because the content of iron, manganese, tin and other metal ions in the water exceeds the standard. The water looks clear and transparent, but the high iron and manganese content in the water will still affect the taste of the wine.


4) Bitter taste: Generally because of the high alkalinity and high content of sulphates and other substances in water, if wine be brewed without treatment, will result in the bitter taste.


In the wine production process, the commonly used technologies for water treatment include reverse osmosis, softening, ion exchange, electrodialysis, ultrafiltration and other processes.


Reverse osmosis plant technology is basically a physical method, and has advantages that traditional water treatment methods do not have in many respects:

1- Water treatment only relies on pressure as the driving force, thus the energy consumption is relatively low

2- No chemical agent regeneration treatment, no chemical waste liquid discharge, environmentally friendly

3- Simple and convenient operation, stable water quality

4- The effect of removing silicon dioxide in water is good, avoiding the difficulty of ion exchange resin regeneration and short operation period caused by natural silicon in water

5- The system can be operated continuously without frequent regeneration


The use of reverse osmosis plant can effectively remove impurities such as inorganic salt ions, colloids, bacteria, viruses, bacterial endotoxins and most organic matter in the water; thus if in the winemaking process, by using reverse osmosis product water for mixing and washing can greatly ensure the wine quality.


More inquiries related to Reverse osmosis plant in Wine production please contact:

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Email: sales010@water-sy.com


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